So we're trying to develop some common space for the poetic and poetically-curious here at Asbury, luring the creative peoples of our community from their nooks to make some unique expression of faith together and providing some space for those of us who might struggle with poetry but still want to participate to find some voice.
Ergo: the Creative Commons Project (Better name ideas suggestions are welcomed).
With each season of the Christian calendar, we're going to have a corresponding project to contribute to. Hopefully, this will lead to some interesting poetry, as well as stretch some of our writing chops as we practice the season together.
This season is Epiphany . As JD wrote the other day:
"An epiphany isn't discovering something new. It's finally seeing
something old. To have an epiphany is to finally see what you've been
looking at so long; something mysterious and sublime long obscured by
the ordinary and mundane. It's the sudden opening up of the eyes of the
For phase one of this Creative Commons Project, we're asking for stories of epiphany. Do you have examples of times in your lives where your eyes were opened to something you'd never seen before? Where a long time hope finally was realized? Where you literally came face to face with Jesus (kind of like the Magi)?
In the comments section, leave us stories of epiphany from your journey with Christ. Our goal for this phase is to hear and write our stories of epiphany here, where others can read them and respond. In two weeks, we'll introduce the second phase of this project, so stay tuned...