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Jul 29, 2009



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But the miracle of life persists, the mysterious germ of growth and renewal that is the seed itself.

Malcolm Guite

Hello, thanks for noticing this interview, I am very pleased to have discovered your blog which deals with the very things that concern me most, which is essentially the interplay between theology and the poetic imagination. I am new to the world of blogging but am beginning to do it myself at this site

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The Basics:

  • About Asbury's Poets Blog
    We're working on a great description of what this site is and what we hope it can become. For now, we will simply claim that we're a community of writers and readers, believers and skeptics who are wrestling with life and faith through the medium of poetry. All students, faculty, alumni, and friends of ATS are welcomed to join the conversation.
  • Submissions
    If you have poems you want to submit, or have ideas for ways to help our community grow, please send them to [email protected] . We'd love to post your poems, and any feedback and creative ideas are welcomed!
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