(taken from Thomas a Kempis' The Imitation of Christ as paraphrased by Donald Demaray)
1. The following strikes many as a hard assignment:
"Deny yourself;
Take up your cross;
Follow Jesus." (Matthew 16:24)
How much harder this saying:
"Depart from me, you cursed one;
Depart to eternal fire!" (Matthew 25:41)
That message comes across loud and clear:
Crossbearers in this life
avoid eternal damnation in the next life.
Heaven will reveal the sign of the cross
when the Judge comes.
All servants conformed to Christ crucified
during their time on earth;
will come near to Christ the Judge
with grand confidence.
2. Why then do you fear taking up the cross
that leads to the Kingdom?
In the cross you find
Protection against your enemies,
Heaven's delicious fulfillment,
Strength of mind,
Joy in your spirit,
The highest level of truth,
Holy living come full circle.
Only in the cross do you have
healing for the whole person,
hope for eternal life.
Take up your cross,
Follow Jesus,
Guarantee yourself life everlasting.
Jesus shouldered His cross and died for you on that cross
so you could carry your own cross
and be willing to die on that cross for Him.
Listen, then, to the Good News:
Die with Him so that you will live with Him;
Be His companion in punishment
so you will share His honor.