I see You coming at me with a shovel
Prepared to dig, ready to go deep
And I just want to run and hide, so I do
I see You coming at me with a needle
Filled with an overpowering substance
And I fear the healing like I fear the prick
I see You coming at me with a mask
It’s gas to make me rest and relax
But I turn my head to avoid the connect
I see You coming at me with a respirator
I see You coming at me with the jaws of life
I see that I’m stuck in this bent wrecked shape
I’m scared of smoke, the smell of gas, and flame
I’m scared of the noise of the machinery You use
I’m scared of the pain that could possibly infuse
But I see You coming at me with a smile
Prepared to connect Your kind eyes to mine
And I feel a softening round the edges within
I see You coming at me with a look of love
Filled with a perfect acceptance of me
And I think for a moment that the fear is gone
I see You coming at me with outstretched arms
I peer at Your hands, and they’re so big and strong
Then I melt in Your chest as You scoop me up
And I breathe a release as I loosen up
And I comfortably take in a fresh breathe of air
And I listen to Your heart as You stroke my face
And I bask in the safety and security of grace