dazzle you with with words, spin magic with lines
beyond my own mind and phrases turned at the drop of a
hat. time flies beyond the horizon and I'm half
asleep. . . half dreaming too, but not like I should
be. my soul lies baking in the sun, half bleached,
half dried and half as hopeful as I should be. this
is a place of kingdom, a palace of earth before me
each new day. . . but I treat it like rubble far too
often. hallowed by Thy name, truth be mine. . . just
like my Father, but I'm no where near there yet. spin
me deep in You, dazzle me with all You are. .
. and forget the past as it lies, as it flies, as it
drops far out of time and sight.
glad to see you back at it kasey-- good work. jd
Posted by: jdw | Sep 07, 2006 at 10:48 PM