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May 11, 2006


Guy Williams

Wow. Nicely articulated, Emily. I love the way you sneak us into the work of Christ after a few stanzas. Favorite line: "with all His strength, I'll say my vows." Excellent


woman of wisdom be blest.



I really enjoyed this - both in class and reading it here. You capture this sense of nuptial love - Christ wedded to his bride the church, and yet also this idea of betrothal - Christ's promise to us (you), and your promise to be wedded (abandoned) to Him

This reminds me of a conversation I had recently with a friend regarding agape and eros. That perhaps because of our broken sense of sexuality that we cannot understand a God of intensely intimate love. Yet I think you capture this sense of love in your poem.


You know, I was wondering about you at first until I realized that you had posted for someone else... :) ... although, you'd probably look cute in a white wedding dress and earrings anyway...

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