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Mar 13, 2006



wow - i confess when i first read this, it didn't speak so loud, but with the unfolding of some recent things in my life, this pinpoints alot for me! it's amazing how the Father works - glad you posted this despite its 'personal nature' - peace 2 you


This was written while sitting in my truck in the Free Methodist church parking lot in Wilmore aroun 12:40am mondayl. The dark both hides and exposes things. . .

I was actually a little hesitant in posting this due simply to the personal nature of it, but I want to not be afraid of honesty. . . this is based out of one nagging question I keep coming to and that is, "why isit still so tough to live?" I guess I just thought being a Christian would come easier by now, but I suppose I'll never be a robot and that is for the best.

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