Twenty miles from Georgetown my heart stops; Its beating formidable and confused; Puzzled beyond belief I'm never broken; Another body like bread lies on the altar next to the cup; My hands to take in deep droughts of newness; God-ness, this newness overtakes my soul like rolling hills overtake the dawn; This reality deep inside of me deep inside and breaking out. . .
All I need to tell her, all I need to hear she understands; this dying takes its toll on me and from where I stand loneliness broods its melodic memories, deep, silent, overwhelming Siren's call and then she stands before me bathed in beauty, bathed in white, bathed in light and my darkened heart can't stand. . . it's unrelenting, but there's no give in me now that New is here, now that You is here, now that she is near; this treasured gift of bride to be; my love, Your metaphor for so much more beyond me still and we're now ready to greet the new day; This my prayer and call.