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Oct 06, 2005


Anna Fleming

I read this blog.
I think volcanoes on the webpage
would be awesome. I'm thinking
about posting here.
Is it legal to post what is
published in a book?
Supposedly Billy Collins has a new
book out. Has anyone read it yet?
I thought bloggers weren't supposed to meet
face to face.

Lea Thornton

Very cool concept. I'm an Asbury alum, I enjoy staying in touch with what Asbury is doing now that I'm "in the trenches" of rural church ministry. I pastor three small churches and am in a very isolated area. This type ministry is a blessing to me, helps me feel connected when otherwise I might feel very isolated.

Thanks, Kasey for your work!



Need to stop by here more often. Sorta nice to stop and reflect.


i tend to linger a few moments longer on this blog than others. keep it up.

Guy Williams

Hi Kasey,

I'm an alum who stops by from time to time. I link to here from my blog. If you'd like to track the traffic, consider getting a service like site meter or extreme tracker to do it. You can check it and see what your traffic volume is like, when they're on, and where they're coming from.

I like the feel of this site, but if it changes I'll still stop in on occasion.

Coalman Hoffa

this is where the party's at right?


Ummm...a resounding "no" on the Haiku contest.

jd walt

Thanks kasey for your leadership. Sure we can go for a new look. And we could sure use some way of getting the word out that we have an arts blog. it would probably be good for us to do an open lunch invite sometime soon to get some people sitting around a real table to talk about possibilities and dream the future together. sound good? how's that for a mandatory comment.

here's another idea-- how about we host a haiku contest for Kingdom Conference. could be fun.

Dan Lowe

Figured I'd stop by before Hebrew class. How's about a change in style? I figure if the rest of the Asbury website was revamped, why not us? Come on, we're supposed to be the "prophets," right? How's about some thunder shots with lightning streaming over a raging sea in front of a firey(is that how you spell that) volcano? Or maybe just something other than the birdcages or luminaries or whatever is already on this page. Shout out...woohoo...to Ben Finger!!

kasey martin

alright, yeah, so I'm commenting here (because it's mandatory and all). . .um, well, my name is Kasey, I'm from southern California, I'm 31. . . oh, I got engaged two weeks ago so that's pretty cool. I write poetry from time to time, but I love baseball far more than writing. God brought me to Asbury to study Christian Education and I think it would be cool if more people would come to this blog and get involved maybe do another reading (remember that one last year that Michael organized. I mean I'm nervous as heck every time I do that, but it's cool). It might be cool if there was a link right from the Seminary's homepage, instead of having to search to find the blog. I guess that'll do for now, feel free to comment and not be as rambling and incoherent as I was.

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The Basics:

  • About Asbury's Poets Blog
    We're working on a great description of what this site is and what we hope it can become. For now, we will simply claim that we're a community of writers and readers, believers and skeptics who are wrestling with life and faith through the medium of poetry. All students, faculty, alumni, and friends of ATS are welcomed to join the conversation.
  • Submissions
    If you have poems you want to submit, or have ideas for ways to help our community grow, please send them to [email protected] . We'd love to post your poems, and any feedback and creative ideas are welcomed!
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