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Oct 26, 2005


Saint Anonymous

Chris Martin of Coldplay promised the lyrics to his next album to be "brilliant". I don't know why somebody would be so grossly overconfident when being quoted by the press...he must be REALLY excited about his new stuff. Anyway, all that to say, the words posted by Kasey the other Martin struck me as lyrical, almost as if they had been lifted from a Coldplay song. If I hadn't been listening to didgeridoos for the past two hours, I probably could set the words to a tune...I am also tone deaf, so that doesn't help either.


In that place less than seen where we all stand kicking, or, maybe, screaming for some words to come and form within us, but our minds have just left town on the last bus...

Great line!! Lack of sleep leads to less than good standards of oxygen to help my brain function; won't somebody tell my professors I've reached the crossroads junction? It is defnitely the middle of the semester!!!

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