You are in the drum, constant rhythm and beat; the heart of my heart and soul.
Soulless river flows to the heartless sea, never full, never ceasing though always raging somewhere, in some latitude far away or right on the nearest shore.
You are in the drum and crashing cymbal, playful high-hat jumping in the joy You bring.
You are in the crashing cymbal, the sudden break, and the slow crescendo.
You are in the bass drum booming and pounding so that I feel the pressure change in my ears and chest.
Deaf to hear and heart to beat finally in this dying place.
You are in the snare, snapping, beating, constant again; driving, marching soldiers on without guns, armed with prayer, armed with the wisdom of You and the sharpest sword.
You are in the drum drumming like a fountain’s constant spring, bubbling up, constant once more, a fountain source-less in the eternity of You.
You are in the drum, the heartbeat of us all.
You are in the drum, slowly dying and ceasing to play that we may hear the silence or the sobs of another and turn us all to laughter once again.
I wrote this one last semester during the chapel that Jason Upton led worship. I'd forgotten about it until about a month ago when I was in a conversation where that particular chapel was mentioned and all the amazing things that were poured out during that time of worship.
Posted by: kasey | Sep 16, 2005 at 11:03 AM