It's cold in this place of shadows. It's beyond me why I've chosen to stay.
Past familiar places, beyond the simple times and bonds which hold me fast in this place. I've come to reach beyond something and into a color less familiar.
Blue like night's tapestry above the trees draws down before me. Back-lit by tiny pricks of light, painful dots of illumination like scars on a tree hung body.
Innumerable like the evening's fires and, sometimes, bringing something less than shame; for heaven's children do rejoice at the sound of our footsteps
Hidden behind the shadows and tapestries is the One, and, we often ask, "why is the posture of glory like that of a child at play, crouching behind objects to obscure his form?"
Why this dizzy dance for our eternal supper? Why this apparent game when viewed from a rock, a tiny speck in the fabric of time?
Is it we who play? Is it sin, is it cowardice, or just some lack of eternity in our minds?
Wow--- this one turned on the lights inside and caused me vision. marvelous Kasey. . . . marvelous.
Posted by: jd walt | Aug 23, 2005 at 07:07 AM
Thank you for sharing this. I know what it is to be in a place that feels like a new...completely new color. I need to think more on this.
Posted by: Shannon Steed | Aug 21, 2005 at 05:46 PM