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May 24, 2005



it was really cool
i loved it, all of it

timothy putnam

Wonderful imagery! I specifically liked, "can't see the water for what's drowning. Can't hold on with these broken arms and dreams."

Sat down with my guitar and sang through it...

It's a very moving poem.

jd walt

bought with sunrise, water, birth and blood. Bleed the death from me, yield ten million gallons.
Pale and weak I’ll crumble into arms fit to carry me home.

very nice Kasey-- visceral.

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    We're working on a great description of what this site is and what we hope it can become. For now, we will simply claim that we're a community of writers and readers, believers and skeptics who are wrestling with life and faith through the medium of poetry. All students, faculty, alumni, and friends of ATS are welcomed to join the conversation.
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