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Apr 21, 2005



Who wrote this poem?

Dan Lowe


Interesting poem. I like this line "Pain and death and sickness and slander/Are easier to pass through/when you do not walk alone." It gives me pause to consider that loneliness, abandonment, fear, hunger, poverty, and other deserts of life are easier to pass through when we do not walk alone. It also gives me pause to think of students on campus, particularly international students, who walk through these deserts alone everyday. For if the footprints of God are not the footprints of his own body, might we be missing something when we fail to look at our own feet? Let us walk with those whom we see as the lonely and downtrodden on our very own campus. Shalom.

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    We're working on a great description of what this site is and what we hope it can become. For now, we will simply claim that we're a community of writers and readers, believers and skeptics who are wrestling with life and faith through the medium of poetry. All students, faculty, alumni, and friends of ATS are welcomed to join the conversation.
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