Today began with a rainy morning, a pretty good storm that continued from last night with thunder boisterous enough to shake the house a little. For some reason rain has a way of making me pretty reflective, finding lost thoughts in the straight paths that raindrops take from clouds to the ground. They join the others who are also finding their place in the grooves and holes of the road. I hope you are finding your place today as you go about your routine or as you embark upon, for once, doing something out of your ordinary.
I visited Asbury a couple of months ago and J.D. Walt told me about this blog, a blog for and about poetry. This being my first post, this is my way of saying hello to my new blog community! You guys have inspired me to write some and hopefully I will be able to share some of that as time goes on. I will be dropping in every now and then, offering comments, goofy stories, something I hope you can use.
Something about rainy weather is beautiful to me. Sometimes poetry can be about finding the beauty in any and everything, even in what may not seem so beautiful. What have you found beauty in today?