Revelation 5 The Message
saw a scroll in the right hand of the One Seated on the Throne. It was
written on both sides, fastened with seven seals. I also saw a powerful
Angel, calling out in a voice like thunder, "Is there anyone who can
open the scroll, who can break its seals?"
3There was no one—no one in Heaven, no one on earth, no one from the underworld—able to break open the scroll and read it.
4-5I wept and wept and wept that no one was found able to open the scroll, able to read it. One of the Elders said, "Don't weep. Look—the Lion from Tribe Judah, the Root of David's Tree, has conquered. He can open the scroll, can rip through the seven seals."
I looked, and there, surrounded by Throne, Animals, and Elders, was a
Lamb, slaughtered but standing tall. Seven horns he had, and seven
eyes, the Seven Spirits of God sent into all the earth. He came to the
One Seated on the Throne and took the scroll from his right hand. The
moment he took the scroll, the Four Animals and Twenty-four Elders fell
down and worshiped the Lamb. Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a
gold bowl filled with incense, the prayers of God's holy people. And
they sang a new song:
Worthy! Take the scroll, open its seals.
Slain! Paying in blood, you bought men and women,
Bought them back from all over the earth,
Bought them back for God.
Then you made them a Kingdom, Priests for our God,
Priest-kings to rule over the earth.
looked again. I heard a company of Angels around the Throne, the
Animals, and the Elders—ten thousand times ten thousand their number,
thousand after thousand after thousand in full song:
The slain Lamb is worthy!
Take the power, the wealth, the wisdom, the strength!
Take the honor, the glory, the blessing!
Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, join in, all voices in all places, singing:
To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb!
The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength,
For age after age after age.
The Four Animals called out, "Oh, Yes!" The Elders fell to their knees and worshiped.