September 8th is the big day! KingdomTide Reader 2009 officially begins. But until then, check back here daily and you'll find information on subscribing, tips on uses for the reader, FAQ regarding 'Kingdom,' and a prelude to our KingdomTide journey- The Kingdom of Heaven is... Already! Not Yet? Use this week of preparation as a time to make the reading of this common text a part of your daily routine.
j o i n i n g t h e c o m m o n t e x t p r o j e c t
1. Read it every day. Invite others to join. Read as a small group. Talk about it together. Get your church to join in. Become a subscriber community. (see below)
2. OnLine Reader. Join us OnLine at (At the time of publication we are working on an application for mobile phones. Watch for updates online.)
3. Twitter. Follow @Twiturgy. Do you Twitter? Each day we “Tweet“a few bite sized portions (140 characters) of the day‘s reading to keep it fresh in your heart and mind.. Twitter is a world sweeping social media phenomenon. Sign up for free at You don‘t have to post to be involved. Go to twiturgy and click follow. For a better experience, give twitter permission to send a twiturgy text to your mobile phone.
4. The Common Text Podcast: Join us this fall as we explore ways, means and habits of engaging Scripture that cultivate dynamic approaches to the Text and a deeper immersion in Scripture as Story and as a means of grace. Watch for regular releases on iTunes University. Search for Asbury Theological Seminary on iTunes Store to find it. It‘s all FREE.
5. Revelation RoundTable. Because Revelation is one of our core texts this fall, we are developing a series of recorded conversations with some of our scholars called “Revelation RoundTable.“The Roundtable purposes to introduce readers to the big ideas of the Revelation of John as well as the diverse ways it has been viewed and interpreted over the centuries. This would be a good introductory conversation. Access it on Asbury's iTunes University site.
6. Learning to Read (again).
7. Grasp the Big Picture and join us for the long haul. We publish two Readers a year (print) one fall and one spring. The OnLine Reader never stops (365 days a year). Our aim is to track the foretelling, conception, birth, life, words, deeds, miracles,signs, death, resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus Christ each and every year. We do this in movements or seasons. (i.e. Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter,Pentecost, KingdomTide and back again). Our aim is to grow in the receiving and appropriating of the mind of Christ. (see Philippians 2:5-11)
s u b s c r i p t i o n s
Subscribe to the Common Text Reader. It is available in print edition for $7 per individual copy. Group discounts begin at 10 copies for $6 each. Bulk discounts begin at 100 copies at $5 each. To subscribe, click on the SUBSCRIBE link in the sidebar. Fill out the online form, we'll email you an invoice, and you'll mail in a check for the appropriate amount. We will have your order ready to ship upon receipt of the funds. We are working on an online payment system. For now this our best option.