As we read the story of the Church together in the coming months, we want to try an experiment in the art of journalism. In the Acts of the Apostles, we have a set of facts, an observer's (inspired) account of the story. But imagine now that you are tasked with writing the headline over the story as it unfolds. Imagine you are crafting headlines from the perspective of the Pharisees, or the Saducees or the Temple Police, or from . . . . . . you get the point. We'll take a stab at a headline each day in the title section. We in no way intend any interpretive significance from our titles. Rather than commenting on our headline, we invite you to offer your own. Put yourself in the place of a particular person or group watching the Story of the Church unfold in Jerusalem and imagine how you would describe it as a journalist via a Headline. Be sure and cite the fictional source from which you are publishing. Sometimes seeing things from a different angle helps us understand our own perspective even better.
Posted by: Dave Lyell | August 05, 2009 at 10:46 PM