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May 14, 2009



Hello. Thank you for this blog, I read it faithfully and drink up every word... I am not a student, just a happy onlooker. The passages of Scripture that are chosen always seem to be just what I need to read, and I enjoy the excerpts and sayings of the spiritual giants who have gone before us. That being said, I often wonder why I see a paraphrase of Scripture (The Message) being used by itself on many of these blogs... would it be possible to have the same Scripture from an actual translation along side the paraphrase when it is used? IMHO, it is important to make the distinction between the two because, while I can see the appeal of The Message, there really is no substitute for some of the more literal translations when it comes to truly understanding the heart and the message of God's Word (again, this is my humble opinion), but that's what is happening often in this blog--one man's paraphrase is being used in place of a translation as if they were the same and equally reliable.

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