During this season of Lent, the Asbury community invites you to journey
with us, breathlessly following the Son of God, so that we might "share
in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death." (Phil. 3:10)
this week you may have received our Asbury Reader for the Season of
Lent to Eastertide. If you won't have the opportunity to visit our
chapel office on the Wilmore campus to obtain these beautiful readers,
rest assured that you can travel with us online at www.asburyreader.com
Scripture readings and regular postings we call "Story Immersion
Practices" can be found here throughout the Lenten season.
Another major way to journey with us is by means of the social network of Twitter. If you are not already a part of this network, after joining for free, search for Twiturgy
(Twitter + Liturgy) and click "Follow." For those already "following"
Twiturgy, prepare for new updates throughout Lent three times daily.
The updates will consist of bitesized portions of the daily Scripture
from our Reader for reflection and prayer.
The updates, for this season, will be sent during three of the little hours. The "little hours" are the fixed daytime
hours of prayer for the Divine Office. For our community, updates will
be sent at 9am (Terce), 12pm (Sext), and 3pm (None) all in the eastern
standard time zone.
These will begin tomorrow, the second day of Lent.
are excited and hope you are too. May this sojourn to the heart of our
Savior, and these means of transportation, bring us to discover Jesus,
the Christ, "in me and in you."