third tuesday of lent
Tuesday, February 26
Opening Prayer
Dear Lord and Father, I know beyond a doubt that you do love me, for I love your Son, my Redeemer Jesus Christ. In this trust and confidence I gladly ask you to hear me and grant what I ask. I know that you will gladly grant me all things, not because I am holy and devout, but through the merits of your Son, Jesus Christ. In his name I now come before you and ask without doubting in the least that my prayer will surely be answered, no matter who I am. Amen. — Martin Luther
John 5:19-29 NJB
To this Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, by himself the Son can do nothing; he can do only what he sees the Father doing: and whatever the Father does the Son does too. For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he himself does, and he will show him even greater things than these, works that will astonish you. Thus, as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son gives life to anyone he chooses; for the Father judges no one; he has entrusted all judgement to the Son, so that all may honour the Son as they honour the Father. Whoever refuses honour to the Son refuses honour to the Father who sent him. In all truth I tell you, whoever listens to my words, and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life; without being brought to judgement such a person has passed from death to life. In all truth I tell you, the hour is coming—indeed it is already here—when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and all who hear it will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself; and, because he is the Son of man, has granted him power to give judgement. Do not be surprised at this, for the hour is coming when the dead will leave their graves at the sound of his voice: those who did good will come forth to life; and those who did evil will come forth to judgement.
Prayer of Response
Almighty, eternal and merciful God, Grant us in our misery [the grace] to do for you alone what we know you want us to do, and always to desire what pleases you. Thus, inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened, and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, may we be able to follow in the footsteps of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And, by your grace alone, may we make our way to you, most High, who live and rule in perfect Trinity and simple Unity, and are glorified God all-powerful forever and ever. Amen.— St. Francis of Assisi